Amazing Map of Community Media

This Alternative Media Atlas was posted by Benjamin Ferron (University of Rennes in France.) * This map is part of a wider project, called "ALTERNATIVE MEDIA GLOBAL PROJECT" (AMGP), which actually benefits from the support of the OURMedia Network. The project became, this summer in Accra, Ghana, during the VIIth OurMedia International Conference, one of the five working groups of the OURMEDIA network. This project is based on three axes : a global BIBLIOGRAPHY on alternative media, a global MAP, and a global CHRONOLOGY. Benjamin Ferron explains: I want to stress the fact that the Alternative Media Global Project is not "Benjamin Ferron's one" nor anybody's one, but belong to its contributors. It has been founded and is administrated by me, Clemencia Rodriguez and RE Davis (University of Oklahoma), but the website is a WIKI, which means that people interested in contributing can get involved, easily and collectively. If you want to contribute to this project, and add informations or create new pages in the website, please send an email to : AMGP@RISEUP.NET[7] The list of the Alternative Media Global Project correspondents all over the world will be posted at : ------------------------- *CONCERNING THE WORLDMAP OF ALTERNATIVE MEDIA, you have to know that we are looking for correspondents all over the world. We already have 50 persons working on it in the 5 continents, but we hope to find much more ! For the moment, we only have Chico Sant'anna in Brazil, but it would be better to have a real "BRAZILIAN TEAM" (as a French, I know they can be really good...), working collectively on brazilian alternative media (bibliography + map + chronology)