Looking Left 2 : The Ripening of Time from DCTV on Vimeo.
From Sean O Siochru: I am proud to say that Dublin Community Television, following more than a decade in planning, lobbying and building, is today celebrating the first birthday of its official launch last July. With seven full-time staff, lots of short-term people and volunteers, we now produce up to 40 hours a month of community programmes (as well as broadcasting selections from around the world), much of it in our new state-of-the-low-end-art studio. This volume of own-produced stuff puts us second only to RTE - the public service broadcaster here! You can find out more about DCTV at http://www.dctv.ie, and we go out on cable all over Ireland (Republic only!). But you can also stream our own-produced programmes from Vimeo (the cheapest way we could find to stream high quality), and all can be torrent-downloaded (all creative commons. of course). See: http://vimeo.com/user950597/ videos/sort:date for about 55 programmes, including local and international campaigns; drama made by school children, our own news programme called The Sound; and lots lots more.