Illustration from an article entitled: "How cable companies and the CRTC’s lenience are killing what’s left of community TV" ....from the Fast Forward web site.
This is a letter from Catherine Edwards
Dear Friends of Community TV
1) CBC Television national is going to air a story tonight or tomorrow about the payout of $3,000 per person in Campbell River for the sale of their cable-cooperative to Shaw. This was a highly controversial sale last year, which was approved by the CRTC in a closed hearing in less than 10 minutes. Campbell River TV had just celebrated its 50th anniversary of programming.
2) A new community programming service on Les-iles-de-la-Madeleine just got its license--and for the first time in Canadian history--was awarded the 5% cable levy from Eastlink, because the company did not have plans to operate a community channel on the islands. However, not a week had gone by when 2009-544 was announced, which exempts cable companies from seeking licenses in systems having fewer than 20,000 subscribers. (The previous limit had been 6,000, and before that... 2,000.) It's part of the CRTC's trend toward increasing deregulation, and another example of how community television continues to be negatively impacted by cable industry market conditions and regulations. The result for Television des Iles is that Eastlink is no longer going to provide the cable levy. See the CACTUS web site for more info.
3) If you're a community television organization and you haven't already done so, please list your organization on the CACTUS web site. As we start to get more press as we near the hearings, we need the site to be up to date... Just today, the CBC reporter who contacted us was puzzled that there appear to be only five community television organizations in the country!
To post your information:
- a) Create an account (from the front page... you just pick a name and password for yourself).
- b) Go to "Create Content".
- c) "Create a Media Organization"
- d) Fill out the form... takes a minute or two at most.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks a lot! It's important.
Cathy Edwards Canadian Association of Community TV Users and Stations (CACTUS) (819) 772-2862
Chers amis de la television communautaires:
1) La Television Radio Canada/CBC (anglais) va montrer une reportage ce soir ou demain au sujet du $3,000 qui est en train d'etre payer a chacun des membres du cooperative CRTV (Campbell River TV) a l'ile de Vancouver, pour avoir vendu leur service du cable a Shaw l'annee passee. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas suivi l'histoire l'annee passe, la vente etait tres controversial, mais elle etait approuve par le CRTC en moins que dix minutes sans question, dans une auditoire close.
2) La television des iles, la premiere "service de programmation communautaire" au Canada pour recevoir tous le 5% de cablodistributeur Eastlink, l'a perdu comme resultat de 2009-544. Voyez le site de web de CACTUS pour l'histoire complete.
3) Si vous etes un canal communautaire, s'il vous plait inscrivez-vous sur le site de CACTUS pour etre compter... on commence a avoir beaucoup de circulation. Aujourd'hui, par exemple, la journaliste de Radio Canada m'a demande "Pourquoi il y a seulement 5 canaux dans la liste? Est-ce qu'il n'y a seulement que 5 canaux communautaire au pays?" Ces visites vont augmenter pendant les auditoires, et nous avons besoin de credibilite. Merci!
Pour le faire:
- a) Creez une nouvelle compte (vous pouvez le faire vous-memes en choississant un nom et mot de passe) - b) Choissez "Create Content" - c) Choissez "Add a Media Organization" - d) Remplissez l'information demandee.
Sous vous avez besoin d'aide, n'hesite pas a nous contacter... votre membre de TVR9, Francois Gauthier (la Vallee-du-Richelieu) a traduit la majorite de notre site comme benevole, mais pas tous les details.