
Galeano Reflects on the Resistance in Spain

February 12, 2013
Social Networks
Galeano recalls a discussion with Fernando Birri, Argentine Film Director

Corn Resistance

February 1, 2013
Under Threat
Sow these seeds of resistance and join the growing movement against transgenic contamination.

You Can Offer Sanctuary to Zapatista Corn!

Street Artist Charged with 56 Counts for Punking NYPD with Drone Poster

December 5, 2012
Essan Attia is charged for posters pointing to police use of drones.

Street artist Essan Attia is being charged with 56 criminal counts after planting dozens of mock public service posters around New York, advertising the NYPD's use of drones to monitor civilians. He was arrested in New York last week after being tracked down by an ill-humored police force. Attia's arrest followed on a video interview the artist gave with the arts and culture website Animal New York, in which he described some of his motivations—including his libertarian political leanings—and how he pulled off the stunt:

West Papua's Cry for Help

November 8, 2011
West Papuans have been rising up against neocolonial Indonesia - which took control of the country in 1962.


There is another world beating inside this present one

June 9, 2011
Eduardo Galeano in La Acampada de Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona. (photo above: radio Puerta del Sol Madrid)