
Francisco Javier Vera Hott, Chilean Lawyer for Digital Rights, speaks about Domain Take-Downs in Chile

October 21, 2012
What are the protocols for domain take-downs?

This is an interview with one of the ICCANN conference attendees from Chile on the question of domain "take-downs"


Multi-national trade agreement extends restrictive intellectual property laws

September 14, 2012
This agreement is forcing countries to sacrifice freespeech and privacy.

Encuentro de espacios culturales de acción no institucionalizada

September 21, 2011
Este encuentro internacional con el fin de reflexionar sobre los aportes de los espacios culturales de autogestión.



2010 Women's Rights around the World

January 21, 2011

The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) is an international, multi-generational, feminist, creative, future-orientated membership organization committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women's human rights.