
Festival Ojo al Sancocho in Bogota Colombia

October 2, 2013
Festival celebrates media education.


Burning Issues in Communication Theory

April 24, 2013







Burn!ing Issues in Communication Theory:

a case study of internet free speech within the university




DeeDee Halleck

Professor Emerita

Department of Communication

Mi corazon llora (My heart cries)

September 28, 2012
The Eleventh Festival of Film and Video of the Indigenous Peoples

Por la Resistencia de los Pueblos

Por el territorio y los sitios sacrados naturales

Por Los Pueblos en Riesgo de Extincion



Encuentro de espacios culturales de acción no institucionalizada

September 21, 2011
Este encuentro internacional con el fin de reflexionar sobre los aportes de los espacios culturales de autogestión.



Ojo al Sancocho 2011 Festival de Cine y Video Alternativo y Comunitario

August 8, 2011
The fourth annual festival of alternative and community media in Ciudad Bolivar, Colombia

 Boletín de prensa

IV Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Alternativo y Comunitario

Clemencia Rodriguez and CINEP's First Video Project

June 21, 2009
Clemencia Rodriguez takes a portapak video camera to a remote village in Colombia.
The next day, sure enough, at sun up they were there with five mules to pick us up-- us and our very shiny, new video camera and so we got on the mules, Claudia on one mule and myself on another and we put the equipment on another one and up we went on an Andean trail until we found this community of small farmers (Samana Caldas) which was about two hours away. The plan for that day and the following days...