
Burning Issues in Communication Theory

April 24, 2013







Burn!ing Issues in Communication Theory:

a case study of internet free speech within the university




DeeDee Halleck

Professor Emerita

Department of Communication

ALAIC Meets in Montevideo: XI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación

June 2, 2012
Los investigadores de la comunicación de América Latina dice que el congreso fue más grande que los anteriores.

This Congress is the eleventh meeting of Latin American community media researchers.  Many of the papers are on line at the congress site.  The following report is from Bitácora memoriosa  the exquisite blog which is posted by community media pioneer, Alfonso Gumucio Dagron:

Interview with Sasha Costanza-Chock

August 16, 2011

Sasha Costanza-Chock is joining the faculty of the Comparative Media Studies program at MIT as Assistant Professor of Civic Media, and is one of the three principal investigators (along with Ethan Zuckerman and Mitchel Resnick) of the Center for Civic Media. He caught up with his new colleague Ethan Zuckerman to talk about his background and his plans at MIT.

International Association of Media and Communication Researchers Closes Conference in Istanbul

July 18, 2011
IAMCR closes their 2011 Conference held in Istanbul at Kadir Has University.


The International Association of Media and Communications Researchers closed with a rousing ceremony on Sunday, July 17, 2011. This clip includes the musical group, Akatay Project. Their website is

The site for the Association is  

Forming Public Opinion in the Age of the Internet and Cable TV

April 26, 2011

by Luiz Fernando Santoro

The goal of my presentation is to share with you some of my reflections on the issue of Public Media. They were based on my experience as a journalism professor, video and TV producer and member of organizations dedicated to bringing communication closer to public groups. The new forms of journalism that have appeared in the Internet and in Cable TV have renewed my interest on the study of communication. But they have also increased my doubts and established new challenges.