WACC Grants for Community Media Projects

 Taking Sides


WACC is an international ecumenical professional organisation that promotes communication rights for social change. It supports communication projects generally in the developing countries and will support only one project application each year from any organisation.    
Communication partners are invited to submit Concept Notes for projects starting mid-January 2012 or later. The application process consists of two stages. Please note that in this Round and under each Programme, WACC is seeking project applications that relate to one objective only.

Stage One: Concept Notes

1. Applicants are invited to complete a short form based on the criteria for project support detailed below.

2. The deadline for projects commencing after mid-January 2012 is September 11, 2011.

3. WACC will review the Concept Notes in the context of programme criteria and current priorities. Only some applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal. Decisions will be taken by September 23, 2011.

Stage Two: Full Proposals

4. Selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal by the deadline of October 23, 2011. Please note that there will be only four weeks to complete and submit a full proposal.

5. Full proposals will be studied during November and December 2011 and final decisions communicated to applicants in January 2012.

What kind of projects does WACC support?

WACC provides financial support for communication projects that demonstrate concern

for genuine empowerment – highlighted in WACC’s Christian Principles of Communication 

as creating community, strengthening participation and freedom, developing cultures and

being prophetic. Such projects will seek to bring about change in one of the following primary

programme areas.

  • Recognising and building communication rights
  • Media and gender justice
  • Communication for peace
  • Communication and poverty
  • HIV and AIDS, communication and stigma
  • <http://www.waccglobal.org/projets>